March 9, 2025

Marcene Alfera

Disruptive Mindset

The Complete Guide to Ethical Sourcing


Ethical sourcing is the practice of conducting business with suppliers who adhere to high labor standards and environmental regulations. It’s a way for businesses to ensure that their supply chains don’t contribute to human rights abuses, pollution, or slavery. Ethical sourcing practices aren’t just good for society—they can also be good for your bottom line! In this guide, we’ll break down what ethical sourcing means and how you can incorporate this practice into your business.

What is Ethical Sourcing?

Ethical sourcing is the practice of ensuring your supply chain is fair. It’s a way to make sure that everyone involved in making a product, from farmers to factory workers and more, are treated well and paid fairly. Ethical sourcing can help you gain a competitive advantage by attracting customers who care about these issues and want their money spent on products made ethically. Ethical sourcing also builds trust between you and your customer!

Why Do Sustainable Businesses Care About Ethical Sourcing?

It’s no secret that sustainable business practices are important, but why?

Sustainability is good for the bottom line. Ethical sourcing is part of that equation. Ethical sourcing means you’re taking steps to ensure your products or services aren’t made at the expense of human rights and environmental sustainability. This includes making sure the people who produce your goods are paid fairly and treated humanely, as well as ensuring they don’t use child labor (or any other form of exploitation).

According to research conducted by Corporate Social Responsibility International (CSRI), companies with strong CSR programs are able to increase sales by an average of $1 billion per year compared to companies without them–and that doesn’t even take into account any potential savings from reduced waste management costs!

What Does Ethical Sourcing Look Like?

Ethical sourcing is a process that ensures your products are made by workers who are treated fairly and paid a living wage. It also means you know where your materials come from, so you can make informed choices about how they were sourced.

Ethical sourcing can take many forms, but it always involves transparency in your supply chain–the steps between the raw materials being purchased for production and when they reach consumers’ hands. The more transparent a company is about its ethical standards and practices, the better: if there’s no information available on where their products came from or how they were made, then there’s no way for customers to assess whether their purchases align with those values (or even meet basic human rights standards).

The three main components of ethical sourcing are supply chain transparency; sustainable production methods; and corporate responsibility practices such as fair wages and safe working conditions

How Can You Source Ethically?

The best way to ensure that your products are ethically sourced is by working with suppliers who are committed to ethical sourcing. This can be done through:

  • A code of conduct for suppliers, which outlines the principles and practices that they should follow in their business operations
  • A grievance mechanism where workers can file complaints about any violations of their rights or labor standards
  • Transparency around supply chain practices and conditions (i.e., where materials come from, what they’re made of)

Businesses need to pay attention to the impact of their supply chains.

In the 21st century, businesses need to pay attention to the impact of their supply chains.

Businesses need to be conscious of their supply chains and how they affect the environment.


The world is changing, and it’s time for businesses to keep up. Sustainable business practices are becoming more and more important, both because they’re good for the environment and because they can help your bottom line. Ethical sourcing is one way that businesses can ensure that their supply chains are sustainable–but it’s not the only one! In this article, we talked about why ethical sourcing matters, what it looks like when done right (or wrong), how you can source ethically in your own company or organization…and maybe even where you might find some inspiration from others who have gone before us on this journey toward sustainability